Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse

How Your Childhood Defines Your Adult Life

Adverse Childhood Experiences 
If you experienced abuse, neglect, or household dysfunctions as a child, it is impacting your life in more ways than you know.  Childhood adverse experiences shape the survivors life in many ways.

Sites for ACEs information:

Toxic stress damages the function and structure of the brain and body, creating long-term effects psychically, emotionally and cognitively.  This damage comes from long-term fight-flight-freeze reactions resulting in high levels of cortisol and adrenaline in the body.

ACES 101: Aces Too High

Emotional Health Outcomes: Adult survivors may experience anxiety, depression, PTSD, anorexia nervosa, relationship challenges, inability to connect with others, low self-esteem, low stress tolerance, unresolved grief, anger, saddness, etc…

Learn your: ACEs Score 


Physical Health Outcomes:  Short- and long-term health is impacted in every part of the body, leading to autoimmune diseases, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, gastrointestinal disease, Cushing’s syndrome, hyperthyroidism, etc…

Prevention: ACEs Connection

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

What are ACEs?

The term “ACEs” is an acronym for Adverse Childhood Experiences. It originated in a groundbreaking study conducted in 1995 by the Centers for Disease Control and the Kaiser Permanente health care organization in California. In that study, “ACEs” referred to ten kinds of adversity children faced in the home environment.

Adverse childhood experiences harm children’s developing brains.  This leads to changes in how they respond to stress and damaging their immune systems so profoundly that the effects show up decades later. ACEs cause much of our burden of chronic disease, most mental illness, and are at the root of most violence.   Learn how early emotional trauma changes who you are, and what you can do about it: 

7 Ways Childhood Adversity Can Change Your Brain
8 Ways People Recover From Post Childhood Adversity Syndrome 

ACEs research shows the correlation between early adversity and poor outcomes later in life.  Chronic toxic stress explains how ACEs ”get under the skin” and triggers biological reactions that lead to those outcomes.

Chronic stress leads to a dysregulation of our stress hormones — which leads to unregulated inflammation. And inflammation translates into symptoms and disease, such as irritable bowel syndrome, autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, fibroid tumors, ulcers, heart disease, migraines, asthma, and cancer.

In additon, adversity in childhood can be the precursor to deep depression and anxiety later in life. A growing body of research shows that there is a close correlation between Adverse Childhood Experiences and emotional health disorders in adulthood.  Learn more about the ACES study

Begin Your Healing Journey Today

Call Loretta to discuss how trauma therapy will support in you creating the life you desire.
